So clearly revolutionizing the bagel business is not in the cards for me. Who knew that when I was promoted I would be working two months later still getting paid the $8/hr doing double the work! I've been brewing up an escape plan, but I thought I might run it by you guys first!
First option: I leave now, move to Timbuktu and become part of some indigenous tribe and learn a rain dance. With the economy being such crap and Gas being such a hot commodity, maybe bringing the rain could become a valuable skill. My only concern is my irrational fear of all things creepy and crawly. I'm pretty sure my first sighting of a large insect would send me into a tizzy and cause me to hyperventilate. It hasn't happened yet, but you all know there is always a first time for everything.
Option 2: Suck it up! I stay at the Bagel shop for the rest of the semester and pray for a raise eventually. The only draw back is that I risk losing it and randomly pummeling some poor unsuspecting Main Line customer. Not only would it get me fired, but it may land me in the slammer, and I like to think that I am too pretty and too young to become Bertha's new BFF!
Option 3: This is probably my most rational option of all. I start looking for a big kid job, and stick it out until I find one. The only drawback is that I have to admit defeat and actually become a grown up. Going for my Masters was supposed to help put off the inevitable growing up process but it seems I cannot put it off any longer. Alas, my childhood was a good one, maybe being an adult won't be so bad.
To be perfectly and completely honest, I think you being too pretty and young would make you idea for being Bertha's new best friend.
P.S REMEMBER WHAT I SAID ABOUT SPACING! Also, check out the new blog I started for the writing stuff.
$10 says I can get more hits than you can by the end of October. :P
New blog is at
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