Thursday, October 9, 2008

Trashy Television is the love of my life

So as some of you guys might know there is a lot of less than savory content on Television. Reality TV has become the staple of every major network. As much as I love shows like The Hills, RW/RR Challenge, Gossip Girl, and One Tree Hill( a guilty pleasure of mine since High School) I have to admit that a lot of it is craptacular.

some Reality shows(Rock of Love, Flavor of Love, Shot of Love, and Paris Hilton is my new BFF) are like train wrecks. They are horrible, but when you see it coming, you just can't stop watching! Paris Hilton's show for instance(and I love her I really do) is a sad excuse for having a rich person boss a bunch of misfits around because she has nothing else to entertain herself with. I mean being referred to as a "pet" or "doll" is not what I would want to hear from my BFF.

The funny thing is, many people that I know that watch these shows are completely aware of how bad these shows really are, but can't help but watch them anyway. Believe me I catch plenty of grief from friends and professors for watching as much trashy television as I do.

That being said, I LOVE LOVE LOVE me some trashy television. Especially The Jewel of MTV, "The Hills." I want to BE Lauren Conrad! Since my sophomore year in college this show has been a staple of my television watching schedule. I can also say with pretty strong confidence that some of the people in the show make me feel a whole lot better about myself. I mean seriously when you date someone like Spencer Pratt and have yourself convinced that he is a decent human being, you MUST have some seriously self-esteem issues. Heidi, please for the fans, READ A DAMN CHICKEN SOUP BOOK!

Then there are the "cool" guys Brody Jenner, whom, like the others I have absolutely NO idea why he is famous, besides the fact that his father is an Olympic Athlete from the 80's, and Doug, the self indulgent AAA Ballplayer who has no business doing anything requiring taking up other people's breathing space.

And then there are the sisters of Spencer and Heidi that kind of stumbled into the spotlight for no good reason, but have made many waves on the show. Holly Montag(probably the most sane person on the show, we'll see how long that lasts)and Stephanie Pratt(or as I like to call her Psycho McCrazy)are two "characters" that have slowly become major players on the show. I know it may have seemed harsh when Brody "got all up in stephanie's grill" but I am will to take bets to see how long it will take for her to land in rehab. One can only pray that Holly moving in with Spencer and Heidi will play a part in the demise of "Speidi."

I don't genuinely hate many people on television, as I understand that they are usually just characters, but in the case of Spencer Pratt I can safely say that he is really and truly a bonefide DOUCHEBAG! Now that I've gotten that out I will go back to playing Backchannel on and feed even more into my unhealthy obsession with this reality TV giant. <3 you all

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